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5 Ways To Prepare For Holiday Spending

budgeting holiday May 17, 2020

I know I know...It is June why in the heck am I talking about the holidays?? The reason is the average family goes into $1,000 of debt that they are unable to pay off come January. This means your $1,000 of holiday presents can end up costing thousands of dollars by the time they are paid off. For example, if you would only pay the minimum balance, it could take you 6 years and over $500 of interest to pay off the holidays this year. This is because credit cards carry MASSIVE interest rates (15% - 25%) depending on the type of card you have. So what can you do to avoid the yearly trap that sets your 2020 up for pain before it even gets started? Here are 5 Holiday Spending Tips to help you keep control of the holidays.

If you have to travel, book your flights now!

If you have not already booked your flights for the holidays, book them now! Typically you will find the best deals at least 6 weeks from your date of travel. The best place to search for flight is to use Google Flights....

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